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Bos Minutes 3 15 05
Chichester Board of Selectmen
March 15, 2005

Present:  Chairman Colbert. Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT: Mr. Robert Cavacco

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Cavacco addressed the Board about the Dam.  He said that he received a letter from DES requesting the Dam be registered.  He said the DES will allow rebuilding of the Dam and that sand bags can be used in the interim.  The Board did not agree.  The Town of Chichester had received the same letter and it did not state that sand bags could be used in the interim. If the Town registered the Dam then we may be committed to fixing or replacing the Dam.  The Board sees this as a liability and a great expense to the taxpayers.  Mr. Cavacco stated that if the Dam was registered and the Town was committed he would give the Town right of way to his property.  Mr. Cavacco expressed his concern regarding the melting of snow and ice and questioned where the water will go.

SUBJECT: Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gagne, Mr. Robert Gagne and Mr. David Noyse

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. & Mrs. Gagne asked the Board for advice as to what they can do since the Planning Board had denied them a lot line adjustment.  They also asked if the vote from elections would effect/change their situation.  

The Gagne’s went to the Planning Board requesting a lot line adjustment.  Mr. & Mrs. Gagne want to sell their house and keep the back piece of land.  The Gagnes state that the 5.62 acres meet the amenities as a building lot.  The Planning Board is concerned with creating a substandard lot.  According to the Planning Board that Gagnes need to prove that they are not creating a substandard lot by means of wetlands delineation and proof of 90% buildable soils.

Mr. & Mrs. Gagne asked if it was required to get a soil scientist.  The Board stated, “in the name of fair play everyone must get a soil stamp”. Bob Gagne stated, he had done some research and discovered that 1 in 6 lots had a soil stamp.  The Board said the Planning Board has some inconsistencies and those inconsistencies need to be addressed.  Mr. Noyes stated that according to the “Holden Plans” about 1 ½ acres is wetlands, meaning that 82% of the land has good soil.  The Planning Board will not accept 82%.

The Board advised the Gagnes to submit a request to the Board of Adjustment.  They were advised that they must show hardship, the hardship can not be monetary.  If the Board of Adjustment gives its approval then the Gagnes would have to go back to the Planning Board with the Board of Adjustment’s approval.

SUBJECT:  Conservation Committee

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Bob Mann and Mr. Jeff Andrews meet with the Board to discuss several issues.  Mr. Mann had suggested that Mr. Michael Marchaud would like to be appointed to the Conservation Committee, if Mr. Walt Sanborn was no longer interested.  The Board asked Mr. Mann to have Mr. Marchaud send a letter of interest to the Board of Selectmen.  

In February, the Conservation Committee voted to withdrawal money from the Conservation Fund to do a study on the town’s wetlands.  Mr. Mann stated that they interviewed three potential consulting firms and chose BHB Consultants located in Bedford.  BHB will be analyzing the southern half of Chichester and the cost will be approximately $20,000.00.  He stated the Planning Board gear their activities toward the value of wetlands and really do not know what the value is.  The Conservation Committee would like to adopt prime wetlands, (a higher degree of protection).  The Conservation Committee is going to send letters to notify the residents to explain the study and to ask for access to their property.  The Board asked if the consultants had to do any digging on properties in order to get soil samples.  Mr. Mann thought that the consultants could identify the land with an aerial map and natural resources map.  He said they may have to take samples, but that would be done with “cores” using high tech tools and this would not cause any disturbance to the property.  Mr. Mann said that the Conservation Committee would hold a public meeting to inform the residents.  After the wetlands have been identified, the results will be sent to DES for their approval for prime wetlands.

Mr. Mann asked if the Purchase and Sale draft agreement (Plummer Property) could be sent to the Town Attorney for his review and advice.  The Board agreed.

The Conservation Committee held a meeting to discuss using money in an amount necessary to rebuild the Dam at Marsh Pond for the Town’s share, however, the Conservation Committee wants full participation from the co-owner, Mr. Bob Cavacco.  Mr. Mann said the Conservation Committee would apply for all applicable grants and would work with other town boards.  He said the Conservation Committee has no intention of working on this project on their own.  He stated that half of the cost would be paid by grants and with funds from the Conservation Committee.  He thought that perhaps volunteers could help with this project.  Mr. Mann said that part of the grant process was to get bids from engineers.  Selectman DeBold is going to meet with the Dam Bureau at DES and get advice for a temporary fix to the Dam.    

SUBJECT: General Business


After review of the letter of opinion from Tim Britain of Ransmeier & Spellman, regarding Fournier’s trailer, the Board asked Patty to draft a letter to Mrs. Fournier for their review for the next Selectmen’s meeting.

The Board asked Patty to send a letter to CG Properties regarding impact fees not being paid for property located at Lover’s Lane.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business, the Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 11:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery